KSU Token Locking Mechanics
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$KSU Token Lockers receive a temporary amount of non-redeemable and non-transferrable rKSU, regardless of whether they are also Lenders. However, utility and rewards are only experienced by Token Lockers who are also Lenders that achieve minimum Loyalty Levels. The amount (and synthetic value) and period of locked $KSU tokens determines a multiplier associated with the amount of rKSU that a Token Locker will receive as follows:
Given that the synthetic value of rKSU is pegged to the KSU token price, any fluctuations in the KSU price naturally affect the synthetic value of rKSU.
An example is given by a Token Locker who locks 100 KSU for 30 days. The associated multiplier is 0.05x. The Token Locker will therefore receive 5 rKSU. Similarly, a Token Locker who locks 100 KSU for 720 days will receive 100 rKSU. The utility and rewards associated with locking KSU to accumulate rKSU are detailed in the following sections.