Proprietary Technology

Apxium’s technology can account for each individual tax obligation for each individual tax period. In the backend, this calculates a separate loan repayment schedule for each tax obligation. But, from the client’s perspective, a single monthly repayment is made. Apxium’s technology simply apportions the appropriate amount from this single monthly repayment and allocates it to the relevant outstanding tax obligation (in a first-in-first-out method).

This method enables the client to continually ‘roll in’ new tax obligations into the single consolidated facility (subject to a total approved credit limit and debt serviceability metrics), whilst earlier tax debts ‘roll off.’ Tax Pay allows business borrowers to take advantage of up to 3 monthly payment holidays in a 12 month period (so long as they have the approved facility limit capacity).

This flexibility is an important selling feature when compared to the inflexible and hardened approach of government revenue authorities and competing lenders whose non-existent relationships with target clients (and their accountants) sees them offering inflexible loans with predatory pricing and terms (akin to a ‘last resort lender’). Additionally, interest charges on a Tax Pay loan are completely tax deductible (i.e. the tax/revenue authorities in Australia no longer allow interest associated with their payment plans to be a tax deduction).

Last updated